Henry County Legislative Committees
Gatlin Primrose, Paul Neal, Monte Starks, Dell Carter, and David Webb..
This board serves to oversee regulation of the adult establishments in Henry County. This board is composed of 5 county commissioners.
Members: , Melissa McElroy, and Paul Neal
This committee serves as an advisory committee to the Agriculture Extension Office. The committee is composed of three members of the County Commission, two farm women, and two farm men. Each member serves a two year term with a three term limit. The committee serves at the pleasure of the County Commission.
Members: Randy Gean, Paul Neal, Marty Visser, Kenneth Humphreys, and Greg Carter.
This committee is composed of five County Commissioners and they serve co-terminus terms. They are an advisory committee to the County Commission. This committee meets when items of importance concerning animal control in the county need to be discussed or brought before the Commission.
Members: Melissa McElroy, Ralph Wiles, Missy Hamilton, Dell Carter and Greg Carter.
This board serves at the pleasure of the County Commission. They determine the permits that are issued. The Board is composed of five County Commissioners and the County Attorney, and they serve one year terms.
Members: Charles Elizondo, Marty Visser, Kenneth Humphreys, Greg Carter, and Melissa McElroy.
This committee is composed of eight members; three voting County Commissioners and two non-voting members; and three citizens-at-large. They are elected by the County Commission. They serve staggered three year terms. This committee makes recommendations to the County Commission concerning Local Government Budgets.
Members: Missy Hamilton, Paul Neal, and Dell Carter
This committee serves as an advisory board to the Office on Aging. They serve at the pleasure of the County Commission. The board is presently composed of ten members. The committee serves three year terms.
Members: David Webb
Members: Randy Gean, Charles Elizondo, Marty Visser, David Hayes and David Webb.
The Courthouse Committee is composed of five County Commissioners. The committee makes recommendations to the County Commission concerning the structure, grounds, and available space. Members of this committee serve one year terms.
Members: Ricky Wade, Paul Neal, David Hayes, and Greg Carter.
This committee is composed of five County Commissioners, the County Attorney, and the County Mayor. They discuss certain properties on which the property taxes are delinquent. They sometimes sell this delinquent property to interested citizens. They make these recommendations to the County Commission. Members of this committee serve one year terms.
Members: Randy Gean, Paul Neal, Monte Starks, Dell Carter, and Greg Carter.
This committee is composed of five County Commissioners and works with the County Mayor and other County Officials on county employees’ health insurance. Members of this committee serve one year terms.
The Hospital Board is composed of seven members with each member serving a four-year staggered term. This Board is appointed by the County Commission. They are the governing body of the Henry County Hospital District Board of Trustees.
Members: Paul Neal and Melissa McElroy
Members: Kenneth Humphreys
Members: Ricky Wade, Paul Neal, Monte Starks, Kenneth Humphreys and David Webb.
The Legislative Committee is a County Commission committee. It is composed of five of the County Commission and the County Attorney. They all serve one year terms. The purpose of this committee is to determine laws concerning county government. They must always work under Tennessee Code Annotated. Sometimes their determinations are helped by CTAS opinions.
Members: Missy Hamilton
This Board is the governing board of the W.G. Rhea Library. The County has four appointed members who serve with members from the city of Paris. They are appointed for three year terms by the County Commission.
Members: Melissa McElroy, Charles Elizondo, Monte Starks, Kenneth Humphreys and David Webb.
This committee is composed of five members of the County Commission. They serve one year terms. The members are rotated each year within their respective districts. Therefore, within three years, each member of the County Commission serves on this committee. They make recommendations to the County Commission on all appointments that are made by the County Commission.
Members: Randy Gean, Charles Elizondo, Monte Starks, Dell Carter and Patrick Burns.
This committee is composed of five County Commissioners and their terms run co-terminus. Each year various non-profit organizations request financial support from the County Commission. The purpose of this committee is to make recommendations to the County Commission as to which non-profit organizations they will financially support and how much financial support will be given to each organization.
Members: Marty Visser
This committee is composed of five County Commissioners and their terms run co-terminus. This committee is composed of five County Commissioners and their terms run co-terminus. Planning Commission regulates the development of land through subdivision regulations and site plan review, reviews property sub-division development. The County Mayor is the county planning officer.
Members: Randy Gean, Paul Neal, Monte Starks, Kenneth Humphreys, and Greg Carter.
This committee is composed of five members of the County Commission. They serve two year terms. The purpose of the committee is to make recommendations to the County Commission on all personnel matters. They also serve as the employee’s grievance committee. The vice-chairman of the County Commission serves as Chairman of the Grievance Committee whether he/she is already a member or not of this committee.
Members: Ricky Wade, Missy Hamilton, and David Webb
This commission is composed of eight members. They are appointed by the County Commission and serve one year terms. They concern themselves with the preservation of courthouse records and apply for grants needed in this preservation.
Members: Charles Elizondo, Melissa McElroy, David Hayes, Marty Visser and David Webb.
This committee is an advisory committee composed of five County Commissioners and three citizens-at-large. They are appointed to serve for three year terms. They advise the needs of the Solid Waste Department/Recycling Center to the County Commission.
Members: Ricky Wade, Charles Elizondo, Monte Starks, Dell Carter, and Patrick Burns.
Members: Ricky Wade, Paul Neal, Monte Starks, Kenneth Humphreys, and Patrick Burns.
This committee is composed of five County Commissioners and they serve one year terms. The purpose of this committee is to make determinations of work release decisions for County prisoners.