Zoning Regulations
County subdivisions and codes enforcement are carried out by the County Mayor’s Office. Mayor Geiger may be reached at 731-642-5212 for further information.
Henry County does not have local zoning regulations in unincorporated areas of the county. Building Permits are not required in unincorporated areas of the county, however, Commercial Businesses must follow State of Tennessee Fire Codes. Any Electrical Connections to local electric company will have to be inspected by the State Electrical Inspector. Contact Paris Board of Public Utilities at 642-1322 for additional information. Any property installing a septic tank system will have to be permitted and have soil perk tested by TN Dept of Environment and Conservation.
Subdivision Bylaws
- Click here to view a copy of the Henry County Subdivision By-Laws and Regulations
- Click here to view the addendum to the Full Property Regulations adopted in 1999
Nuisance Animals- Dogs
- Contact Henry County Sheriffs Dept, (731) 642-1672
Collection of Garbage, Litter, Refuse on Private Property
Per County Resolution, County Residents do have to keep their property in a proper state without trash, junk, or other undesirable material as to not create a visual nuisance and vermin threat to neighbors for the good health of the community. Contact the Mayors Office for additional information.
Summary of 2017 Resolution No. 5-05-17, which amends Resolution No. 9-9-92, A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of Henry County, Tennessee, to Regulate the Collection and Storage of Garbage, Litter, Refuse, and Rubbish.
TAKE NOTICE of the above-referenced amendments, which are summarized as follows:
Regulation 8, as amended: Now requires that notices of violation to be served on occupants (if any) of real property in violation of the Resolution, in addition to the owners; and permits notice by posting the subject real property if other methods of serving notice cannot be accomplished.
Regulation 9, as amended: Now permits the Henry County Sheriff’s Department to enforce the Resolution; now empowers the County Mayor to employ the County Attorney to file a civil lawsuit to enforce the Resolution, and provides that the owner and/or occupant of real estate in violation of the Resolution must pay Henry County’s reasonable attorney’s fees and expenses in the event of litigation.
Regulation 11, as amended: Creates a Health and Safety Standards Board consisting of one County Commissioner from each district to hear appeals regarding violations of the Resolution and establishes the process for an aggrieved party to appeal a violation.
Regulation 15 is appended: Establishes a $500.00 civil penalty for violation of the Resolution; each 5-day period the violation exists is considered a separate offence, and additional penalties may accrue for consecutive violations up to a maximum of $3,000.00; provides that the penalty shall constitute a lien against the real estate if unpaid within 60 days; and empowers the County Mayor to employ the County Attorney to collect the penalty, in which case the violator must also pay Henry County’s reasonable attorney’s fees and expenses.
The amendments are effective seven days from the date of this publication. A copy of the Resolution (as amended) is available from the Henry County Mayor’s Office or online at https://henrycountytn.org.
Click here to view the county’s Full Property Regulations pertaining to Collection of Garbage, Litter, Refuse, and Rubbish on Private and Public Property.